Saturday, March 13, 2010

"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Benjamin Franklin said that. Except I think he's wrong. Now in my math class we are studying taxes, and I don't think they are certain at all. They are actually really quite confusing. Whhhhatttttttttttevs

Tonight though, Sean has helped me with my math homework because I also don't understand Excel formulas. So yes yes. Then Sean made Hamburger Helper dinner with ground turkey. It's his new fav. As I write my blog and do homework, we are watching National Treasure 2.

So, it has been really really warm lately. But with every warm day all I can think of are the words of my sisters "Warm spells bring more snow." And they are right. Today it started snowing again. Not too much though which is nice.

So I have only 4 more weeks of school left. Time to get focused!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Taxes wouldn't be so confusing if there was just a flat tax. Tell Sean to never make that dinner for a girl if he's trying to impress her, and we got snow last night as well, but the sun melted it today. Random- when I got home from target today I was greeted by a naked Jack who came running out the front door to see me.