What is something I love doing more that cleaning, cooking, and basic upkeep of a home? That's right you guessed it! KARAOKE!

Tonight, my office is holding its Annual Financial Services Dinner, and as Entertainment/Activity, we will have the privilege to KARAOKE! Guess who is excited? This gal.
My Life lately:
I had the opportunity to visit the hospital. OH what a day. I woke up choking essentially was what was happening, for about 10min. Scary? Yes.
Highlights of my hospital trip....
Okay so there are none, but here are some other things about it.
1. They wheeled me in a chair the size of a bed to get x-ray'd
2. They stole my blood
3. My gown didn't tie, so instead I used my scarf, and belted the dress around my waist. Tre Chic!
4. Sean was there with me, Oh, I guess I should put that under highlights...
5. Doc says that it was a Bronchospasm, which means my bronchial tubes contracted without releasing, closing my air passages. YUCK!
Math Class
In my math class, currently we are studying being financially aware and stable. So I am now placing money into my savings account when I get my paycheck, and I no longer transfer money from it into my checking. Oh the wonders of saving! I love watching it add up! I need to start thinking about my retirement now :) ahhhhhhhhhhh aging!...
So my programs are a huge hit! Everybody loves them, and I've even been asked a few times where I get my cover quotes from...I tell them inspiration, and then study. But now that I am told the "theme" of sacrament that day, I can use that as a starting point. I absolutely love this calling.
Till we meet agian.
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